How To Get More web Traffic & Increase Your Page Views and Visitors

How To Get More web Traffic & Increase Your Page Views and Visitors

A Computer Virus and its Precautions, also download free Antivirus

A Computer Virus and its Precautions, also download free Antivirus

صدقئہ فطر کے مسائل

صدقئہ فطر کے مسائل
صدقئہ فطر کا مقصد روزے کی حالت میں سرزد ہونے والے گناہوں سے خود کو پاک کرنا ہے۔صدقہ فطر نماز عید سے قبل ادا کرنا چاہئے ورنہ عام صدقہ شمار ہوگا۔


حضرت ابو ہریرہ رضی اللہ عنہ سے روایت ہے کہ نبی اکرمﷺ نے فرمایا”جس 
نے لیلة القدر میں ایمان کے ساتھ ثواب کی نیت سے قیام کیا اس کے گزشتہ گناہ معاف کردئیے جاتے ہیں۔

مراقبہ کیا ہوتا ہے۔؟

مراقبہ کے موضوع پر خواجہ شمش الدین عظیمی کی کتاب کا مطالعہ کریں
مراقبہ کیا ہوتا ہے؟یہاں کلک کریں

Computer Terms Glossary

Students here I writing some computer Terms definition that can be useful for school student who want to know about computer term.
Floppy : It is device that is used as medium for storing data.
Abacus  : Abacus is a device used for counting and doing simple  arithmetic calculation.
Computer   : It is an electronic device that is capable of interpreting and executing programmed commands for input, output, computation

Earn Money Online from Home

All my students and viewers today I am writing an article on earning money online from home. I hope this article will be useful for both male and specific female who live at home they can do work from home. Here I mention some task that can be done from home first of all every person has some skill. Using his skill everyone can do a lot of tasks; some of works that can be apply for earning.

How to Make a Start with Excel 2010

Hi gays in this articles you learn what you will see when the MS Excel 2010 first starts.  First of all I would like to tell about a spreadsheet.It is a piece of software for handling and manipulating numerical data.You can write numbers down on a piece of paper and add them up. Like this:

Introduction to Visual Basic.NET 2008

Hi Student today I would like to write for you on Visual Basic .NET. It is a computer programming language. It is used to create programs or application for Microsoft Windows operating system. It is very easy language to create affective application. Visual Basic .NET provides many tools that helps programmer to develop program easily and quickly.

Computer Network

Hello readers here  I discuss about computer network. It is a set of two or more than two computers connected with each other is called as computer network. Computer connected over a network can make exchange information easier and faster. The information moves directly from computer to another computer. People can concentrate on getting their work done rather than on moving information around the company.

Information About Computer Software

Hi gays As you know computer is combination of hardware and software. Now you will lean in detail about term hardware and software.
The physical parts of the computer are called computer hardware. Computer hardware consists of central processing unit and various input devices like keyboard, mouse and output devices like printer, monitor etc. attached to it.
Software: The instructions given to the computer to perform a given task are called computer programmes or computer software.

Computer Storgae Devices

Hello students here I am writing about computer storage devices. Computer storage also referred as computer memory is actually an electronic file in which instructions and data are placed until needed.
Computer storage is divided into two classes.
Main storage or main memory
Secondary storage or secondary memory
The major reason for the distinction between main and auxiliary storage is the cost in relation to performance and capacity.

Subhan Allah Subhan Allah

Hi Viewers! here I am adding a video that is Naat of my Sir who is nice, good, well known personality. I like him very much personally. He wrote this himself and spoke. Listen this Naat and enlighten your heart and brain.

Generations of Languages

Hi students! Many kinds of languages have been developed over the years.  These languages can be classified in the following five levels or generations of programming languages.
 1. First Generation of Languages: There is only one language understood by the computer without using a translation program.  This language is called the machine language or machine code of the computer.  Machine language is a low level language and considered as first generation of language.

Through machine language is efficient for computers; it is inefficient for programmers because it requires a lot of time and complicated task to write the machine code program.

2. Second Generation of Language:
            The difficulty faced in machine languages was overcome when numeric operation codes were replaced mnemonic codes or symbolic codes.  For example, the codes ADP SUB will add and subtract may two values.  A special program that uses these symbolic codes is called an Assembler.  It is used to convert the program into machine code equivalent known as the object program.

3. Third Generation of Language:
The third generation languages are more like human languages (English-like) which require a translator to convert the programs into machine level language or program.  These high-level languages were designed to run the programs on different computers.  Neither assembly language nor high-level language programs can be understood directly by the computer.  The user written programs (source program) needs to be translated into machine language for processing.  Thus special set of programs is required to convert the user’s program into an object program (machine level language).  This set of programs is called compiler.

Problems Oriented Languages;
            Following are some of the problems oriented languages for example:
1. ALGOL      [Initially designed by international group in 1958.  The word ALGOL is derived from ALGOrithmic language]
2. BASIC        [The word BASIC is constructed from Beginner’s All purpose Symbolic Instruction Code]
            3. COBOL      [The word is derived from Common Business Oriented Language]
            4. PASCAL    [The Pascal language in named after the French scientist Pascal]
            5. FORTRAN [It is short for FORmula TRANSlation]
            6. C                 [Scientific and system programming language]

4. Fourth Generation:
            The increased demand for information from data base systems has led to the development of newer languages to safety that need.  These languages are far more powerful and specialized than existing high-level languages and referred to as fourth generation languages (4GLs) or very high-level languages.  They are non-procedural languages and let users carry out individual requests that do not match to normal format.  Among the presently available fourth generation languages are FOCUS, PRIMRS, NOMAD, NHTURAL, ORCALE, CYBASE, FOXPRO, (LIST Processing), PROLOG (PRO griming in LOGIC), SQL (Structured Query Language), etc.

5. Fifth Generation of Languages:
            Natural language is similar to query language, with one difference.  It eliminates the need for the user or programmer to learn a specific vocabulary, grammar, or syntax.  The text of a natural language statement very closely resembles human speech.

            Natural languages already available for microcomputers include clout, Q & A and HAL (Human Access Language) for use with Lotus 1-2-3.

Different Function of CPU (Central Processing Unit)

Hi Students here you’ll learn different function of CPU which is also called processor. It is located inside the system unit. It performs the analytical, computational and logical function that occurs inside the system. The CPU operates by executing a programme, process data and sends the result at the output, which may be a printer or video display unit. The processor controls the operation of the computer.

Advantages of using a Word Processing over a Typewriter

In the past people were using typewriters to process words.The typewriter did fair job of getting readable characters onto paper. But once those characters appeared on the paper, it was hard to get them off. Since you did not get a chance to see your words until they were on paper, therefore,

How to Gather & analyse information for SEO

Hi Gays here I am explaining how can we be able to make a SEO project I’ll discuss in detail in different articles, so at first we keep in mind some steps for gathering and analysing information for SEO which are below:

Knowledge about Computer Hardware

Dear Viewers as you know that All the parts of computer which you can see and perceive are included in hardware. It includes mainly Hard Disk drive, Main Board, Floppy Disk Drive, Keyboard, Mouse, Printer, Power supply.Now you will study about them in detail.
Main Board: It is also called Mother Board,System Board, Planer Board, and Logic Board.

How to Process Data

Dear Viewer! as you have learnt that computer is such a machine which solves our problems. Its basic function is to receive data (input), process it and give us the information (out put) Here you will learn about what is Data Processing? But first you should know about the data.
Anything in raw form like numbers, words and facts are called  data.
Types of data:
There are three types of data.

How to Assemble A Computer

If you want to set up a new PC (Personal Computer) at home, carefully set the PC and monitor on your desk. Both the PC and monitor should be angled away from the wall so you can access their back sides and connect up various cables. If you have a standard desktop casing you can either leave it on top of desk or if the keyboard, mouse and monitor cables are long enough place it underneath to save desk space. if you a tower PC, Keep your desktop free and find a home for the tower casing under your desk.

How to Use DOS (Disk Operating System)

 DOS (Disk Operating System)
The single user operating system used in microcomputer is called Disk Operating System, because it is stored as master program on the disk.
The major tasks the DOS must carry out are:
to control input and output devices, to enable user to load and execute program, to maintain an orderly system of data on disk.

How to Use Windows Operating System

Windows is operating systems which are designed by Microsoft Company. It is fast operating system and you can get help at any tag about any problem of processing. In this system mouse is used to click an icon, programme or help line. Windows has different versions in name of Windows 95, Windows 97, Windows 98, and Windows 2000. The aim of all versions is to provide maximum facility to the users of computer.

How To Make Drawing In Paint

The Paint is a program that enables you to create, modify and save graphic pictures, including drawings, and scanned images. Paintbrush software works under windows environment
1.         After access paint program open it
2.         In Paint program there are drawing and many other tools.
3.         You can select any tool for drawing. For example pencil, brush, rubber, and rectangle etc.
4.         There is bar in paint. It has many colors it is known as color bar.
5.         After clicking on any tool you can make drawing of different     colors.
6.         You can make different diagrams in paint

Designing of words in Paint
            1.         Start your computer
            2.         Open Paint
            3.         Click Text Tool from tool bar.
            4.         Now type word Pakistan
            5.         Now Click Pakistan. It will be selected.
            6.         Now click any colour from colour bar.
            7.         Then style will be changed.
            8.         You can also change any font.

            9.         Now save this in your computer

Types of Systems Used in Our life.

Most banks now offer ‘hole in the wall’ cash machine facilities.  Using these machines you can withdraw cash, check your balance and in some cases even transfer money between accounts.  This is often much more convenient for customers, as they offer a 24 hours service.
Online Banking: Many banks are now introducing online banking.  Using your computer you can connect to the banks computer system and control your day-to-day finances from home.  The concept of online banking has enormous benefits to the banks, they can increases their profits while reducing their investment in staff and building.

Smart ID Cards:
            These cards have recently been introduced in many countries and are called smart cards because they contain a memory chip within the card.  They can be credited with an amount of ‘virtual money’ which can then be spent by the card being read by a special machine when you purchase goods or services and this amount is then debited from the card.  When all the money on the card is spent, you need to get more virtual money credited to the card.

            Self scanning of goods is being introduced in many countries.  When you buy goods in many large shops you are issued with a scanning device which allows you to scan your purchases as you pick them off the shelf.  When it comes to paying for your purchases you know exactly how much it has cost and also has the advantage that the check out staff do not have to take all the products out of one basket, scan it and then repackage it in another basket.  In many ways this is ideal for the customer.  As it offers convenience and from the shops point of view they can process orders more quickly, with less staff and as a result get much greater profits.

Types of computers on basis of their construction.

Dear viewer here I am going to tell you different types of computer
Types of Computer:
i.                    Analog computer
            ii.                  Digital computer
           iii.                Hybrid computer

i. Analog Computer: The analog computer measures continuous types of data and uses a physical quantity that changes along a constant scale.
 Analog processor is used at petrol stations, which indicates the quantity of petrol delivered.  A thermometer is an analog device because it measures the length of a mercury column which varies continuously.  An analog clock measures time by means of the distance travelled by the hands of a clock around a dial.

ii. Digital Computer:
 A digital computer represents data in terms of discrete numbers and processes data using the standard arithmetic operation.  It directly counts numbers (digits) that represents numerals, letters and other symbols.  Digital computers use electronic circuits which can distinguish between just two values ‘0’ & ‘1’.  All the data must be encoded digitally as 0’s and 1’s in the digital computers.

            Earlier analog devices got their digital equivalents such as digital watches, digital scales and digital thermometers.  Most of the computers available today are digital computers and therefore, term “computer” usually stands for “digital computer”.

iii. Hybrid Computer:
            A hybrid computer combines the best features of analog and digital computers.  It consists partly of the components of digital computer and partly of analog computer to combine the characteristics of both types (for example the speed of analog computer and the accuracy of digital computer).  Therefore, hybrid computers help the user to process both continuous and discrete data.  The results can be obtained either in analog signals or discrete signals that is either as continuous output in the form of graphs or as discrete digits.


            Hybrid computers for example, control passenger flight radar.  Other example of hybrid computers is the modern petrol pumps in which motor for pumping fuel runs in analogue fashion and the quantity of the fuel delivered or the cost of the fuel is represented in digits.

SEO Link Engine

  1. Introduction (of analysis and design phase)                                             
  2.     Data Flow Diagrams (DFD) (To be developed using Microsoft Visio)
  3. Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) (To be developed using Microsoft Visio or ERWIN)
  4. Activity Diagram                                                
  5. Sequence Diagrams (To be developed using Rational Rose)
  6. 6.       Architecture Design Diagram            
  7. Architecture Design Diagram    

    1. Introduction (of analysis and design phase)
    <Write here in detail about what you have included in analysis and design phase of your project and also write about the benefits and purpose of analysis and design phase in a software development project >
    1. Overview (of proposed system)
    <Provide a brief overview of the project features and functionalities>
    1. Data Flow Diagrams (DFD) (To be developed using Microsoft Visio)
    <Provide Context Diagram and Level-1 Data Flow Diagram to illustrate the overall picture of your system>
    1. Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) (To be developed using Microsoft Visio or any other UML tool)
    <Provide Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) of your system>
    1. Activity Diagram
    <Provide activity diagram for each major process of the system>
    1. Sequence Diagrams (To be developed using Rational Rose)
    <Provide Sequence Diagrams for each of the use case to show the task sequence of the system, Provide a sequence diagram for each of the use case provided in use case diagram>
    1. Architecture Design Diagram
    <Provide a Tiered Architecture of the system>