Computer Terms Glossary

Students here I writing some computer Terms definition that can be useful for school student who want to know about computer term.
Floppy : It is device that is used as medium for storing data.
Abacus  : Abacus is a device used for counting and doing simple  arithmetic calculation.
Computer   : It is an electronic device that is capable of interpreting and executing programmed commands for input, output, computation

and logical operation.
Keyboard   : It is like type writer but with several extra keys for specific   purpose. It is used to feed data in. the computer.
Mouse         : It is used to control the motion of a pointer on the computer screen. It has two or three buttons.
Input : Data or instructions fed into a computer is called input
Output        : The processed information displayed on the computer screen  is called output.
Data: The collection of facts is called data.
CPU             : It is part of computer that reads input and processes it according to instructions.
Information: It is the organization of facts and figure for in a
Printer : Printer is output device that is used to take output on paper
Joy Sticks   : It has buttons, which can be used  for carrying out actions. It is  used for playing games in computer.
Scanner     : It read the information via glass platform provided on it . it sends information to the computer. it is primary device it comes to interfacing a PC with the word of pictures.
CD Drive: it is used to run a CD for specific task.
Memory : it is used to store data.
Speaker: It is used to listen sounds
Operator: The person who operates on computer is called operator.
Hard Disk  : A device inside a computer having large capacity to store data on it is called Hard Disk.
Robot        : A computer controlled manipulator that is capable of locomotion or moving items through a variety of spatial motion is called Robot.
Processing : Treating data according to instructions to change into the required information.
Screen : It is part of monitor on which the output is displayed.
Monitor : The display unit of computer is called monitor.