How to Use DOS (Disk Operating System)

 DOS (Disk Operating System)
The single user operating system used in microcomputer is called Disk Operating System, because it is stored as master program on the disk.
The major tasks the DOS must carry out are:
to control input and output devices, to enable user to load and execute program, to maintain an orderly system of data on disk.

DOS Files and command
DOS is a command driven Operating System that manage the information stored on secondary storage. Data or information is stored in form of files.

Types of Command
A cursor which is a flashing underscore on the command line, shows you can type a command in uppercase or lower case letters

DOS Prompt:
When the computer is provided DOS programme, a sign called the prompt appears on the monitor screen. It is called DOS prompt.

DOS Commands
There are two types of DOS commands
1.         Internal Commands
2.         External Commands
Some DOS Commands
1.         CLS
            This command used to clear the monitor screen. After applying this command only DOS Prompt is displayed on the screen.
2.         Date
            This command is used to see present date and to change the date.
3.         Time
            This command is used to see present time and to change the time.
4.         Dir
            This command is used to display a list of current directory , files and subdirectories.
5.         Format
            This command is applied to make disk readable or writeable before storing data.
6.         Copy
            This command is applied to transfer data from one place to another place.
7.         Exit
            This command is used to exit the command processor and return to previous program.
8.         Type
            This command is used to read file
9.         Edit
            This command is applied to start DOS Editor which creates and changes ASCII text files.
10.       Del

            This command is applied to erase all the files or records